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Starter Activities - The Linkedin Discussion Group

Graham Prior

17th September 2012

As you may be aware, tutor2u now has its own Linkedin Economics and Business Teacher Online Community . If you are not yet a member can I suggest that you join. There are currently 421 members (and rising) and the group is a great way of sharing a range of issues, ideas and thoughts about economics and business studies with a range of active discussions currently ongoing. One such discussion is Starter Activities.

A few weeks ago, I began the following discussion:

'What is your favourite starter activity for business or economics? Is there an idea or activity that you regularly use? I would love to hear about some innovative or creative starters that are being used in our classrooms.

I will collate the results of this discussion and then post them to the tutor2u blogs under my Lord Sutch pseudonym (giving full credit of course!)'

Well, the response has been fantastic with a whole host of innovative and creative starters that can be used in the classroom and as I'm a man of my word, I will be collating and blogging about some of the belting suggestions that have been added to the group.

But, if you want to get a sneak preview, then why not join today?

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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