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Sources of Finance Flashcards

David Carpenter

15th September 2012

These flashcards cover all the key sources of finance listed in Edexcel's specification, and include a brief explanation of each one. Ideal for revision or classroom activities.

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I used these flashcards in a recent lesson discussing the key sources of finance and their advantages and disadvantages. Rather than me explaining everything on the board, and the students diligently writing it all down, I split them into groups and gave each group three cards. They then had to complete the student worksheet in their own words. You can then either get each group to explain what they've written whilst the other students fill in the rest of the worksheet, or pass the cards around the groups until everyone has a completed worksheet. I tested out each of these methods with different classes and still haven't decided which worked best!

Here are the download links:

Flash cards: Word PDF

Worksheet: Word PDF


David Carpenter

Teacher of Economics and Business at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School in Kent. Always interested in new ideas and methods for teaching these subjects, as well as keeping up to date with the latest news.

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