Exam Support

Demonstrating Application - What's the SCORE?

Jim Riley

8th January 2017

Making sure your exam answers are fully in context is a key part of success in A Level Business. Here's a great approach - SCORE - which helps identify key elements of the contexts you are provided in well-structured answers.

We introduced A Level Business students to the SCORE approach in our Strong Foundations workshops and we develop it further in our Grade Booster workshops as we fine-tune exam technique for Year 13 students taking AQA Business or Edexcel Business.

Here's what the SCORE acronym stands for:

SCORE Acronym for Identifying Key Application Context


Factors to consider here include:

  • How large is the business (e.g. revenues, number of employees, number of brands & business units)
  • What sector does it operate in (e.g. public v private; primary / secondary / service, digital)


Factors to consider here include:

  • In which markets and market segments does the business operate?
  • How attractive are those markets (e.g. market growth rate, market profits, threat of disruption)?
  • Who are the main competitors and what are their competitive advantages and disadvantages?
  • Who are the key customers and buyers in the market and how much power do they have?
  • How is the competitive environment changing (e.g. technological disruption, social change)


Factors to consider here include:

  • Who owns the business?
  • What is the type of ownership? (e.g private v public)
  • Is ownership divorced from control (e.g. most shareholders are not directly involved in day-to-day management)
  • What are the key corporate objectives and are these consistent with the aims and mission of the busines


Factors to consider here include:

  • Are the financial resources of the business adequate to support the chosen business strategy?
  • Does the business have sufficient operational / production assets and capacity?
  • How capital or labour intensive is the business and what are the implications of this?
  • Does the business have intangible resources (e.g. brands, IP) that need protecting / developing?
  • Does the business have sufficient resources overall to support planned investment?


Factors to consider here include:

  • What are the key changes in the external environment to which the business needs to respond?
  • Overall, does the external environment pose more threats than opportunities (or the other way round)?

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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