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Current Affairs Quiz - 4th June 2009

Paul Hoang

5th June 2009

Some current affairs questions from the last seven days for IB Diploma students around the world…

Here are the questions

1.Which European country has topped Hong Kong as the best place to conduct business?

2.What is the only Nordic country to have joined the Eurozone?

3. Which Scandinavian nation celebrates its National Day on 5th June?

4.With a price tag of HKD54,946 per square foot, which city-state holds the title for being the most expensive in which to purchase a home?

5.Which US car maker filed for bankruptcy protection this week?

6.Oil prices have hit a seven-month high, having reached what level (in USD per barrel): $58, $68 or $78?

7.US media giant Time Warner is set to demerge from which company?

8.The largest airline in the Middle East has reported a fall in profits of 72% for the 2008/09 fiscal year. Name the airline.

9.France has a customs union with one non-EU member state. Name this country.

10. Google has a 5% stake in American Online (AOL). Which company owns the other 95%?

11. The classic plastic LEGO construction brick toy celebrates its 60th anniversary this year. Which country did it originate from?

Answers: Finland, Finland, Denmark, Monaco, General Motors, $68, AOL, Emirates Airline, Monaco, Time Warner, Denmark

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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