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Current Affairs Quiz - 26th June

Paul Hoang

27th June 2009

Schools broke up for the summer hols this week in HK, so here’s the final CAQ for the academic year…

1. Name the British retailer that celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.

2. In its latest effort to cut costs, which airline asked its staff to volunteer to work for nothing or take unpaid leave for up to a month?

3. India has experienced deflation for the first time in how many years: 12, 22 or 32 years?

4. Name the world’s second largest labour force, with over 516 million people.

5. Antananarivo is the financial and political capital of which nation off the southeastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean?

6. Which social networking website company has laid off 30% of its workforce?

7. General Motors has entered into an agreement to sell which of its car brands to Koenigsegg, the maker of high-performance cars based in Sweden?

8. Name the UK’s largest clothes retailer.

9. Which American business uses the slogan ‘A place for friends’?

10. Which Scandinavian-based company owns this logo?

11. Which country celebrates its National Day on 26th June? Hint: it is the fourth largest island in the world.

Answers: Marks & Spencer, British Airways, 32, India, Madagascar, MySpace, Saab, Marks & Spencer,, Saab, Madagascar

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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