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CAQ 18

Paul Hoang

18th January 2011

Which US car maker has launched the ‘Volt’ to take on Toyota’s mighty Prius? Which Wall Street bank - which remained profitble during the financial crisis - has reported an increase in profits of 47%? And which internet website, with over 400 million hits each month, has just celebrated its 10th anniversary? Take this week’s current affairs quiz to find out…

Current Affairs Quiz #18

1. Which booming Asia-Pacific nation has raised interest rates from 2.5% to 2.75%?

2. The world’s largest micro-chip maker has posted a 48% rise in quarterly net profits of US$3.4bn (HK$26.4bn). Name the company.

3. Chinese traders have been ordered out of Dar es Salaam, the main city of which African country?

4. Which US car firm has launched the Chevrolet Volt to compete in the electric car market?

5. Which car maker has been fined a total of $48.8m for its product recall fiasco of 2010?

6. Which Wall Street bank has reported fourth quarterly profits of US$4.8bn (HK$37.3bn), up by 47%?

7. What internet website which attracts some 400 million visitors a month has just celebrated its 10th birthday?

8. Which country remained the top destination for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in 2010, with deals worth $894.7 billion (HKD6.96 trillion) last year?

9. Which country has started to cull approximately 12% of all domestic pigs in the country after an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease?

10. Which Balearic Islands located in the Mediterranean Sea belonging to Spain, with a population of less than 95,000 celebrates its National Day on 17th January?

The Volt - To take on Toyota in the electric car market


1. South Korea
2. Intel
3. Tanzania – the Chinese were allowed in as investors not as market vendors
4. General Motors
5. Toyota
6. JP Morgan Chase (it didn’t make a loss even during the depths of the financial crisis!)
7. Wikipedia
8. USA (Britain and China were second and third with less than $200bn each)
9. South Korea
10. Minorca (or Menorca)

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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