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BUSS4 STOP PRESS: US retailer Walgreen buys 45% stake in Alliance Boots

Penny Brooks

19th June 2012

News has been released this afternoon that Walgreen, a US company that operates 7,890 pharmacies across the United States, is buying a 45% stake in Boots, which has more than 3,300 health and beauty retail stores in the UK and 11 countries around the world, a strong internet retail presence, a manufacturing facility in Nottingham, as well as a wholesale business which supplies pharmacies and doctors in 21 countries. The deal, which is being reported as a MERGER rather than a takeover, has been under discussion for 18 months, although it still has to be agreed by regulators. Walgreen also have the option to take the remaining 55% of the shares in the next three years.

Boots, or more correctly Alliance Boots, is privately owned - the owners are private equity firm KKR and the company Chairman Stefano Pessina, who bought the business in 2009. It seems that the deal will provide a geographical market development, and opportunity for horizontal expansion for Walgreen. This appears to be their objective. According to the Washington Post, the deal also may help Walgreen cope with a recent loss of U.S. customers after its contract with employee- benefits and prescriptions manager Express Scripts Inc. ended last year. There is also an incentive for Stefano Pessina, who will now have an 8% share in the ownership of Walgreen and gains a seat on the board.

Should employees of Alliance Boots in the UK be worried? Not according to this BBC report; Walgreen’s chief executive Gregory Wasson who has said “The UK will become the centre to develop and manufacture new products for a fantastic market like the American market. New York is the window of the world”, and Robert Peston’s initial reaction is to suggest that the deal could create a world manufacturing centre in Nottingham, potentially increasing the number of jobs.

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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