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BUSS4 China - Osborne and Johnson in China

Penny Brooks

15th October 2013

With the high-profile visits of George Osborne and Boris Johnson to China this week, there is a glut of resources available on the BBC website which could be very valuable to BUSS4 research.
Here are links to just a selection:

Changed balance of power in Anglo-Chinese history - gives a brief synopsis of the trading history between the UK and China, and what each can gain from the other

Rebalancing and the re-industrialisation of Britain - strong analysis of the balance of trade between the two countries - helpful on the macroeconomic background to trade in good and services and on prospects for both countries

And a great series of short video reports:

UK must look 'open to investment ' say business leaders - the potential benefits of a better trading relationship.

China an opportunity, not a threat

UK looking to build Chinese trade relations

West Midlands exports more goods to China than it imports

East Midlands sees boost in exports to China

Chinese investment in Manchester City airport and Direct flights Manchester-China

Bringing goods from China on a huge container ship

Working under Chinese ownership

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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