Teaching activity

Profit Budgets - AQA/ Edexcel A Level Business Bellwork / Revision Activity

Graham Prior

21st November 2017

Here is a quick activity that would be ideal at the start of a Year 13 lesson to ensure that students are re-capping Year 1 content or as a revision activity.

The activity has been taken from our A Level Business exam coaching workshop, 2015.

So that teachers can use this in lessons, the answers have been posted in our AQA and Edexcel A Level Business Facebook groups.

You can access the answers using the link below (if you are not a member of the group then you can join when you click on the link)

AQA A Level Business teachers

Edexcel A Level Business teachers

Below is a table showing the budgeted and actual income and expenditure of a supermarket for the first 6 months of 2014.

Question 1

Calculate the actual expenditure for January-March 2014

Question 2

Calculate the net profit margin (actual) for January-June 2014

Question 3

Calculate the (total) profit variance for January-June 2014 and state whether it is adverse or favourable

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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