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Tablet Wars - Kindle v IPad - Amazon v Apple

Jim Riley

9th September 2012

Is Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, the new Steve Jobs? Is he the leader with the appropriate visionary ability that might enable Amazon (the business he founded 18 years ago) to beat Apple?

Some media commentators and investment analysts are pondering that question. Amazon has just launched the 4G Kindle Fire and it looks like it might have the competitive edge that can enable Amazon to take on the might of Apple in the key global tablet computer market.

As this article in the Telegraph suggests:

With the launch of the second generation Kindle Fire – Amazon’s ultra-affordable tablet – he has put his company right into the middle of the battle for that growing market, offering a real challenge to the iPad’s dominance and making stock Android tablets look even less appealing.

As the FT adds:

"Amazon is stepping up its challenge to Apple in tablet computing by launching a larger-screen Kindle Fire that is packed with improved technology but still priced less than most iPads."

Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and CEO, launched the 9-inch 4G Kindle Fire that, in the US, will sell for $499 along with a $50 annual wireless plan that will allow consumers to stream video and buy books on the move.

That combination is priced more than $400 cheaper than a comparable package with Apple’s 4G iPad 3."

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Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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