Teaching activity

Festive Lesson Quiz Pack 2021 - A-Level Sociology (Year 12)

Duncan Hall

8th December 2021

Here are two subject-specific PowerPoint-based quizzes to use in the last few days of a challenging term! Each quiz uses a set of our ever-popular livestream activities all packaged up in a festive theme!

In the pack you will find quizzes on 'Education' and 'Research Methods' aimed at students currently studying A-level Sociology in year 12.

Each of the quizzes comprises of approximately 20 questions and uses a mixture of activities including 'Christmas Multi-choice', 'Cracker the Code', 'Santa's Riddle', 'Rudolph's Odd One Out' and many more.

A Christmas trivia version of this quiz is also available here

Here's a similar quiz for A-Level Sociology (Year 13)

Here's a similar quiz for GCSE Sociology

Happy Christmas from everyone at tutor2u!

Download your free resource.

Duncan Hall

Duncan Hall is Subject Lead for Politics and Sociology for tutor2u. Duncan is an experienced social science and humanities teacher, writer and senior examiner. He has taught Politics and Sociology A Level for many years and has a PhD in Social History.

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