
Mandated choice

A situation or scenario in which people must make a decision in advance with respect to whether they wish to participate in a particular action – they are required by law to make that choice. These decisions are usually “public policy” decisions e.g. deciding whether to donate your organs when you die, deciding whether to make a “living will” etc.

Mandated choice is a policy approach that requires individuals or organizations to make a choice between two or more options, rather than simply opting out or remaining neutral. This approach is often used to encourage people to take an active role in making decisions that affect them, and to encourage them to consider the potential consequences of their choices.

Mandated choice can be implemented in a variety of settings, including in the workplace, in education, and in healthcare. For example, an employer might require employees to choose between different health insurance plans or retirement savings options, or a school might require students to choose between different courses or extracurricular activities. In some cases, mandated choice may be accompanied by incentives or penalties to encourage people to make certain choices.

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