Study Notes

The Monty Hall Problem

AS, A-Level, IB
AQA, Edexcel, OCR, IB, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 31 Dec 2017

Here is a collection of resources for students who want to understand the solution to the famous Monty Hall Problem!

Articles on the Monty Hall Problem

Tim Harford - Monty Hall and the game show stick-or-switch conundrum

BBC video - Monty Hall problem: The probability puzzle that makes your head melt

Monty Hall forever - A baffling decision-making problem that illustrates surprising irrationalities

Supermarket queues and the Monty Hall Problem

Monty Hall Problem From The Movie 21
Probability and the Monty Hall problem | Probability and combinatorics | Precalculus | Khan Academy

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