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Lesson starter - $40 to hold your newborn!
9th October 2016
Here is a picture that can be used as a possible lesson starter that is sure to get some discussion going. Many students will know that the US Healthcare system is privately provided and therefore profit maximization is a likely objective. This means that any “service” that can be charged for is an opportunity to increase revenue and profits for the business. But charging US$40 for the father to hold the baby seems a bit over the top!

The term used is “skin to skin” and in my very recent experience in a delivery suite, I know that the midwife and nurse were very keen to hand me my newborn son for skin to skin contact while my wife was recovering. However, as part of a publically funded system there was no-one taking note of billable activities! When an activity is being carried out for profit, it seems reasonable that if extra costs are incurred by the business then extra charges are made and this is how it is justified by the hospital – for some reason it required an extra staff member to be in the room!
The full story (including a picture of the bill) can be found here.
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