
Starter Activity - Cold War Wipeout Challenge

Jim Riley

23rd November 2009

Here’s a great starter activity from Andy Lawrence using tutor2u’s Wipeout Challenge quiz format…

Download Cold War Wipeout Challenge 1

Launch the wipeout board on the screen and ask students to estimate how many of the possible answers shown are correct for the following questions:

Which of men were not leaders during the Cold War?
Which of these Cold War events did not happen in the 1940s & 1950s?
Which of these terms is not associated with the nuclear arms race?

Download Cold War Wipeout Challenge 1

Guidance on How to Play

The challenge is to identify the correct answers on the board and earn points - 10 points for each correct answer.

Using any method you wish determine which team goes first.

Team 1 has first go at a Wipeout board.

The team chooses the first answer that they think is correct (from the question posed at the bottom of the screen.) The games master then clicks on the teams answer. If they are correct they will get a ‘star’ symbol.

With a correct answer under their belt, they can choose to pick another answer and continue until they feel they cannot identify anymore correct answers, at which point they may choose to stick on their current point score.

The risk for students is in choosing an incorrect answer - they will get the “W” wipeout symbol and any score achieved is completely wiped out.

Will the students play it safe or go for the maximum score and risk being wiped out?

You can choose to allow the next team to take on the remaining entries on a board - even once a wipeout has happened - as a way of extending the quiz and including more students.

Each quiz has a slightly different number of correct answers, and they are in different positions too.

Technical Point - The download file is a PowerPoint Slideshow, which will run when clicked, but is not editable.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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