The Globalization Debate (- yes, really; as a debate: Has it gone too far?)

11th November 2018
In this 37 minute video from Bloomberg News, Stephanie Flanders (former BBC economics editor, now chief economics strategist for JP Morgan) hosts a debate of the New Economic Forum on the question: Globalization - has it gone too far? With two speakers arguing both sides of the issue, it's full of rich arguments and spans a 100,000 year history of human interactions across the planet.
This video is ideal for teachers preparing to teach Globalization to A level students; to ask A level students to watch before having their own debate; and for using each 5-minute contribution to ask students whether they understand the argument and/or agree with the ideas, or how they would argue against them. It requires quite a lot of background knowledge and understanding of global economics and may be more suitable for students aiming for higher A level grades, but nevertheless, has real value in terms of economic geography and the ways in which top economists are interpreting the current global economic context.
(Thanks to David Redfern for drawing attention to this video via twitter)
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