Geography Podcast Recommendation - Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd

2nd August 2022
This superb weekly podcast explore the ideas, people and movements solving the biggest challenges facing society and the environment - and is a must for any geography teacher (and student!)

This weekly podcast hosts a variety of incredible guests who are actively trying to make society better and take action against issues affecting the environment.
In the back catalogue of episodes you will find so many interviews that will update and compliment your geographical knowledge and inspire your teaching.
Some recent episodes include...
Plastic Not Fantastic: Global, National and Local Approaches To Tackle Plastic Pollution
This episode looks at the the issue of plastic pollution, particularly focusing on the progress being made on the international stage with the recent agreement of a UN resolution to end plastic pollution. It discusses how ambitious a future global treaty will be, as well as looking at schemes to tackle plastic on a local scale, such Zero Waste Scotland's Deposit Return Scheme, and Surfers Against Sewage Port Talbot.
Holding Out for a Zero: Assessing the UK’s Climate Progress
This episode focuses on the Climate Change Committee's recent progress report on the UK government's Net Zero targets. UK is doing well at setting targets, but what about delivery? Where do we need to improve? And why are workers' rights, delivering zero carbon jobs and public engagement so crucial in our work to reduce emissions?
Cry Me a River: How To Save the UK’s Rivers
This episode explores how rivers are such an important part of our landscape, ecosystems and communities. They provide two thirds of our water supplies and support a vast array of wildlife, but only 14% of our rivers pass the bar for ecological health; which is made worse by farming, the water industry and the climate crisis.
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