Poster / Student Handout

Exam Skills: Application - Classroom Poster / Student Handout

AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 18 Jan 2022

Here's a handy poster / handout for A-Level Business students which highlights some acronyms which students may find helpful to demonstrate the assessment skill of application in exam responses.

The two acronyms featured on the poster / handout are:


SCORE is a technique which you can use to identify key elements of context and help you write more contextualised responses. Picking out the SCORE elements of a particular business can allow you to write more applied answers, for example, rather than just saying that a business operates in a highly competitive market, pick out the specific competitors of the business.


Using data is an excellent way to demonstrate the skill of application as the use of data helps you to write in context. Performing a calculation, or using data in a table or in the appendices to support an argument, is a great way of writing in context. When looking at data, think PADLS.


If you'd like a ready-printed, A1-sized version of this poster, your can order one using the link below!

Printed Classroom Posters for A-Level Business

Download Exam Skills: Application - Classroom Poster / Student Handout

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