Socialism in the USA
A report from The White House Council of Economic Advisers argues that “self-declared socialists are gaining support in Congress and among much of the electorate”.
Nature vs Nurture
One of the most pressing questions within science is whether we are a product of our genes or our environment, or is it a combination of both?
Female Doctor Who
For the first time in its 55-year history, the TV show Doctor Who will have a female Doctor (played by Jodie Whittaker) and some people believe that this could change how women are portrayed in...
Our Tomorrows
A video from The Guardian (supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation) exploring the views of different young people around the world, including looking at: racism, employment, school and...
World Mental Health Day (World Health Organisation)
Today is World Mental Health Day (World Health Organisation) and the WHO website has a wealth of information and links to provide support to those who want to find out more. This video from the...
Does University Pay?
A video from The Economist about the value of university degree.
Brexit: What happens when we leave the EU?
A video from Channel 4 News about Brexit.
Cultural Appropriation
A video from BBC News examining cultural appropriation. This could act as an introduction to sociology (culture and identity) and form part of a discussion about freedom of expression.
Drinkers Like Me
A BBC documentary about alcoholism. Adrian Chiles explores addiction and the impact it has had on his life. This film could be used for the Health topic.
Vox Videos: Hong Kong
Here are a series of useful short videos from Vox about Hong Kong that cover a number of sociological issues that relate to topics such as: Families and Households, Health, The Media,...
Generation Rent
A useful video from BBC Newsbeat about Generation Rent. The video explores some of the reasons why young people are finding it more difficult to move out of their parents home.
The Benefits of Exercise
The following Ted talk explores the effects of exercise on the brain.
Coco: The Instagram Star
A short video from Broadly about a Japanese girl called Coco.
Left-Behind Children
The following documentary follows a family living in China.
Documentary Suggestions (Part 5): World of Weird
One perhaps not to shown in class (or at least previewed in advance for content) but ‘World of Weird’ follows different groups of people around the world who are members of unique subcultures,...
Documentary Suggestions (Part 4): The End of the World Cult
For those students studying ‘Beliefs in Society’, the following film follows a cult led by a man called Michael Travesser.
A documentary that follows the stories of a number of couples who have experienced divorce.
A documentary that could be used for both psychology and sociology.
Documentary Suggestion (Part 1): Wedding Days
Over the course of this week I will providing some recommendations for useful documentaries that are freely available on YouTube. They could be used to either support a particular area within the...
Consumerism and Capitalism
Following on from the video posted yesterday, here are two videos from The School of Life about consumerism and capitalism to provide additional context for both concepts.