Topic Videos

Rearranging Formulae Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR

Last updated 21 Apr 2017

Rearranging formulae tests your understanding of algebra. If you can rearrange formulae you will find many other questions a lot easier so it's well worth learning. Here's some videos showing how it's done.

Changing the subject

A basic example of how to change the subject of a formula, presented by Simon Deacon at a gentle pace.

How to rearrange a formula to change the subjec (Simon Deacon)

A hard GCSE question!

This video takes you through a difficult GCSE question on rearranging formulae.

Rearrange algebra formula to make n the subject - GCSE Question (Simon Deacon)

Four practice questions on changing the subject

Mr Hegarty brings us this video with some common formulae that you might encounter and then goes through four practice questions.

Change the subject of the formula(1).mp4 (HEGARTYMATHS)

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