Topic Videos

Pythagoras' Theorem Revision Videos

AQA, Edexcel, OCR, Eduqas, WJEC

Last updated 22 Mar 2021

Here are the best revision videos we have found for you on Pythagoras' Theorem. This topic is always on the exam so make sure you can answer questions on this topic!

This video goes over the basics that you should already know, but it's a good recap. If you are already confident with the basics, you may want to proceed to the next videos.

This video includes worked examples.

Pythagoras' Theorem (Corbett Maths)

If you're not quite sure how the theorem works, or if you're doubtful that the squared two sides really add together to make the squared hypotenuse, then this video is geometric proof that the equation really works.

Pythagorean Shearing Proof (Jeffrey Bannish )

You won't always get the same pieces of information from a triangle based question, so this video goes through when to use Pythagoras' Theorem using worked examples, and explains some 'wordier' problems that may not be so obvious.

GCSE Revision Video 8 - Pythagoras (HEGARTYMATHS)

Some questions may ask you to prove whether a triangle has a right angle or not, so it's useful to know how, using this theorem. Also, some may ask you to keep your answers in exact form, so you need to remember how to reduce surds!

Algebra - Pythagorean Theorem (yaymath)

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